
Thursday, March 31, 2011

“How To Get Back My Ex Boyfriend” -One Seldom used away

It is hard to go through breakups. Sometimes it feels like the past and you are ready to move on. However there are times when your heart longs for him and you know deep down that you want to get your him back. He does have some flaws, but who is perfect? You know how caring and endearing he can be at times, the little surprises that he always give to you. So the question that you may be asking is “How to get back my ex boyfriend?”
Many people thought that breakup is the end of the relationship. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be. It may surprise you to know that most relationships can be saved. You just need to know what steps to take and implement them – it’s a matter of doing the RIGHT thing at the RIGHT time. If you are looking for approaches that work, read the following points. You want to take note of what is being presented.
Let us start. Perhaps the most important thing that you want to do first at this juncture is NOT to call on your ex boyfriend. No, it’s not a joke! You shouldn’t try to plead with him. Sometimes we are affected by our emotions and will do anything. It is much wiser to stand tall and look confident. Well, not exactly that but you don’t want to be seen by him as a pathetic girl pleading for his love or an angry helpless girl either. Well, what if you have done all of those? Don’t worry, remember you can still fix the situation. You need to relax and not be overwhelmed by your emotions. Don’t regret by not following the exercise below – it only takes 5 minutes!.
You are going to use your own breath to relax yourself. For this exercise, you need to prepare yourself first. First, tell yourself that you will not be disturbed by external events for the next 5 minutes. You may wish to lie down or sit on a comfortable chair, half close your eyes or totally close them. This is a matter of preference.
If you find that you have any tension in your body, relax them. Either they are at your shoulders or in your stomach or even in your heart etc. Mentally ask yourself to relax those parts. Make sure you entirely relax each part by going to that place and say to it “Relax, relax…” When your body is thoroughly relax, take a slow deep breath. Imagine the universe if filling you with its purest love. How does it feel like? Continue for a few more times.
Notice your mind should be clearer. Next smile, really smile. Beware of the positive stream of energy coming to you. Enjoy this wonderful feeling for a few minutes. You are being fully supported by the universe.
If you took the five minutes challenge you would know the difference that it makes. Many people make use of it and the result is astounding. Use this way to make yourself happy when you are sad or depress. You can see positive change in all aspects of your life.

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